Portfolio Archive - Page 13 of 70 - NOAHH
NOAHH = Network Oriented Architecture
Patrick Fransen founded NOAHH in 2014.
NOAHH, Patrick Fransen, Network Oriented Architecture, Architectuur, Architecture, Amsterdam, AHH, school, theater, music centre, Herman Hertzberger, Hertzberger, Tivoli, Vredenburg, OCC, Onderwijs, Onderwijs en Cultuurcluster, Cultuur, Muziekpaleis, noahh.nl, TivoliVredenburg, education. New Education, network, netwerk, social interaction, knowledge, context, innovation, new identities, knowledge, rietveld prijs, mies van der rohe award, lieven de key penning,
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Posted at 19:23h
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The new community centre in Zwartewaal will host the primary school ’t Want, the existing community centre De Gaffelaar, a multifunctional sports hall, as well as several sports clubs and facilities where social and cultural events can take place interchangeably. The multifunctional building will form...