News - NOAHH
Check out our news! NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture is specialized in innovative complex projects with a social agenda, such as cultural, educational and public buildings that have a significant impact on the city and its residents. We strive to design architecture that connects.
NOAHH, projects, projecten, Patrick Fransen
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Hoofd, Hart en Handen

The New Schooldomein book ``Hoofd Hart en Handen`` features Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal and CSG Reggesteyn in Nijverdal. We are proud to show these two schools: CLV as a school full of stories showing us the transformation of the campus re using older buildings and CSGR as a groundbreaking nature-inclusive and context-rich campus.

Hallo Plein

The new entrance of TivoliVredenburg part of the initial Muziekcentrum Vredenburg at the side of Vredenburgplein has been opened on February 8 2025. This part of the building is now open all day with free access, so everyone can enjoy this cultural meeting spot ``de vrije ruimte``.

Theater aan de Parade featured in PI Online

PI Online wrote an extensive article about Theater aan de Parade as an attractive third place. A multifunctional building for everyone with an iconic interior giving every room its own identity.

Theater aan de Parade in NRC Top10 Architecture 2024

Described by the NRC as an ``easy accessible and open festival building that also sizzles, buzzes, and thrives during the day.`` Thank you Bernard Hulsman for this acknowledgement, and congratulations to everyone involved making this achievement possible.

VSCD visits Theater aan de Parade

On November 25 the members of the VSCD visited Theater aan de Parade in their half annual meeting. The building was considered as interesting and inspiring showcase for innovative and sustainable solutions in new build theaters. Patrick Fransen and Loes Thijssen explained the project, their ideas, the design and building process and guided the VSCD members through the whole building.

Scuola e Città

The event “School and City”, held at the municipal art center Exma in Cagliari 22-11 till 22-12 provides an important reflection on the role of school spaces within the urban context and the challenges of forward-thinking educational design. This event is not merely a celebration of best practices in design and pedagogy, but also a call to redefine the school as a dynamic and transformative element of urban life. Patrick Fransen lectured on this topic. The exhibition highlights ten years of research and design carried out by the universities of Sassari and Cagliari.

Symbiocene Evolutionary Architecture

The Forum ANATOMY OF TIMBER / Building, organized by TU Delft and TU Darmstadt, BK-wood group, with PEFC Netherlands as the main sponsor, will take place on October 15-16, 2024. Loes Thijssen will lecture on October 16 at 11.00 AM with her topic: Symbiocene | Evolutionary architecture. Prepare to be part of an international community dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in timber construction.

Impressive timber construction of 50-meter pool in Glanerbrook

This week, the laminated timber beams will be installed above the 50-metre pool.
The longest one has an impressive length of no less than 35 metres! What makes this construction unique is that each beam is different. The diagonally placed ridge gives the pool a dynamic design. The wooden columns supporting the beams are also all unique. These columns have different heights of up to 9 metres.

Construction Glanerbrook is halfway! this is why the architect won the competition

according to councillor Leon Geilen is the passerelle the gem of the project: a bridge between the Ice-hall and the sports-hall that crosses the skating and cycling track. ‘With the passerelle, the architect won the tender. Walkers will soon be able to walk through Glanerbrook. Finally, ‘walking a lap’ through Burgemeester Damenpark is possible again. The project is full of innovative features.

de Meker, top quality!

In a recent interview with Rockpanel, Patrick Fransen talks about how to design a facade with the look and feel of a chic hotel using minimal resources. De Meker is a new-build social housing apartment complex in Middelburg developed by Woongoed Middelburg and built in top quality by Fraanje! New elan in Social housing.

10 years NOAHH!

NOAHH marks its 10th anniversary. In our first decade, we are already putting ourselves nicely on the map with buildings such as: Amare, Theater aan de Parade, Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal, MFC Doelum and Sportpark Glanerbrook. We look forward to the next Power of TEN! Thank you to our clients, partners and a great team at NOAHH

Glanerbrooks Ice Rink reached highest point

On Wednesday 10 July, construction of the new ice rink at Sportpark Glanerbrook reached its highest point. This brings us one step closer to a versatile and energy-neutral sports park in the middle of the Burgemeester Damenpark in Geleen. During construction and transformation, the complex will remain open!

Pool-Party excursion

NOAHH's annual excursion this time was all about ``Pool-Party`` We visited some of our swimming pools and sports buildings in Renkum, Druten and Geleen. An educational and fun day for all. Thanks to MFC Doelum, De Gelenberg and Sportpark Glanerbrook for their hospitality.

Highest Point Dorpshart Zwartewaal

Construction of the amenities cluster in Zwartewaal has reached its highest point on Wednesday June 26. Councillors Igor Bal and Robert Kooij together raised the flag to celebrate the moment. The amenities cluster will house a school, a sports hall and a new village centre.

10 years TivoliVredenburg!

the Utrecht music venue TivoliVredenburg celebrates its tenth anniversary from Friday 24th of May to Sunday 2nd of June. For ten days, the love for live music and audiences will take center stage throughout the building with a very diverse anniversary program. The idyllic picture of music temple TivoliVredenburg became reality and TivoliVrededenburg grew into a successful music labyrinth. Congratulations!

Openingsweekend Theater aan de Parade big success!

The opening weekend of the Theater aan de Parade was a great success. The building was immediately enclosed in the hearts of the people of 's Hertogenbosch. Everything in the building was theater and that is what we like to see. We received many compliments. We congratulate Theater aan de Parade and the entire design and construction team on the inauguration.

King Willem Alexander will open the new Theater aan de Parade on March 1

Our majesty King Willem Alexander will open the new Theater aan de Parade on Friday 1 March. A special opening programme will kick off a festive opening weekend for the entire city. The opening weekend includes the official opening programme, a theatrical and musical Open House and the Opening Night of wind music festival Horn of Plenty. The King will attend the opening programme and unveil a special opening sign at the theatre's main entrance.

Green light for Bishop Bekkers School

Councillor Karin Bloemhof announces the city of Groningen is allocating nearly 10 million for the new building of the Bishop Bekkers School in Paddepoel. The school will include a multipurpose hall annex gymnasium for physical education and before- and after-school activities. This hall will also be an important facility for the neighbourhood. A central kitchen in direct connection with the leafy playground and an open air theatre enhance the interaction with the neighbourhood.

Transformation enriches the monumental farmhouse

This monumental farmhouse with an interior that creates a multiverse of spaces makes the old farmhouse survive. In the new interior, one room flows into another. The question whether the space under the roof is one room or a collection of rooms is not easy to answer. That's what makes it interesting. The interior can be seen as a guest under there giant roof en can be re-interpreted again and again: a house without an end. This unique building is now for sale! We are proud on the plurality we could give to the monument.

Building start of 'Dorpshart Zwartewaal'

On December 13 the start of the multifunctional cluster 'Dorpshart Zwartewaal' has been celebrated. The cluster contains a school, sports hall and community centre and will play an essential role in the social live of the village of Zwartewaal. Builders, client, apprentices and villagers all struck their first symbolic pile.

UNBUILT, Unrealized Projects

From November 15 to 18, MADE Expo 2023 invites its attendees to reflect on the theme ``Work For Progress''. Organized by MIBA -Milan International Building Alliance- the event displays two exhibitions around innovation and sustainability. By doing so, MADE Expo 2023 offers a platform for companies and professionals in the construction sector to discover and discuss the most advanced solutions that can help lead the industry toward a sustainable future. Loes Thijssen lectures at Made Expo Milano Nov 16 at 11.40 for Platforms UNBUILT.

Theater aan de Parade nearly completed

After some two and a half years of demolition and construction, Monday afternoon, 16 October, was a joyous moment for the Theater aan de Parade in Den Bosch. The management officially received the key to the new theatre and, together with the staff, they toured the building. On 8 December, the theatre will stage its first performance. The test phase will then continue until 28 February. The theatre can be officially opened in March.

NOAHH selected to design urban plan Sint Laurens Noord, Middelburg

NOAHH has been selected to design the new urban extension plan for Sint Laurens (Middelburg) commissioned by Heijmans and Woongoed Middelburg. The area will be designed in strong relation with the typical village characteristics and the adjacent open panoramic landscape

Architectural Design Week Indonesia: the hum of space

NOAHH exhibits at UNTAR Universitas Tarumanagara in Jakarta Indonesia. The Architectural Design Week 'Senandung ruang: The hum of space' this year showcases the acoustical complexity and flexibility of Amare. To be visited in Hublife Jakarta July 26-30 2023.

Opening of the Meker, Middelburg

After more than a year of construction, Fraanje and Woongoed Middelburg are delivering 32 new construction apartments. De Meker is a striking building with apartments all around and an atrium in the middle. On July 22 everyone was welcome to take a look at this new building location. De Meker shows ``new elan in social housing`` according to alderman Willemien Treurniet and Woongoed director Reinier de Jonge. De Meker is ready for the future!

Patrick Fransen about the collaboration with Pieters Bouwtechniek

The new pride of Den Bosch will soon rise on the square next to St John's Cathedral: the new Theater aan de Parade which is to become the city's new multifunctional cultural meeting place. Pieters Bouwtechniek is involved as structural engineer of the building. In the video (see link below), Patrick Fransen talks about the special collaboration between NOAHH and Pieters.

Official opening Bestuursbureau SCOL Leiden

On June 19 Stichting Confessioneel Onderwijs Leiden (SCOL) celebrates the opening of their new administrative office and the renovation of the monumental part of the former Fransiscan monastery of the Bonaventura College

Dag van de architectuur | Den Haag 2023

On June 17 The focus is on Amare in the 'Dag van de Architectuur'. You can visit here our exhibition 'rooting Amare' and Patrick Fransen will tell you more about Amare and his ideas of how the building can be explored and has been designed as a continuous part of the urban tissue in the kick off lecture at 10 AM.

CASA PLATFORM Venezia: The New Together

The grand opening of the exhibition of The New Together will take place on Friday May 19th in Venezia. NOAHH is participating in this exhibition. The New Together is an exhibition and at the same time an active platform in which to begin to gather all those projects that are children of a new time, generous and capable of indicating the change we are experiencing and the solutions that can accompany this transition.

Renovation of Glanerbrook Sports Park officially launched

After a long preparation period, renovation work began Wednesday, May 10, 2023. Alderman Leon Geilen removed a piece of a wall from the large sports hall. With this he gave the official starting signal for the first phase of the renovation.

NOAHH is selected to design the new KDS Bishop Bekkers in Groningen

NOAHH is happy to announce that we are selected to design the new Bishop Bekkerschool in the neighbourhood Paddepoel in Groningen. This school and multifunctional sports hall will facilitate the multicultural neighbourhood. Alderman Carine Bloemhoff, schooldirector Marion Slijpen and architect Patrick Fransen presented the concept design.

Top Sports in sportspark Glanerbrook

NOAHH and Poelmans Reesink presented the new building and landscape design. The Sportpark Glanerbrook will be a sustainable, versatile, multifunctional design in the middle of the Burgemeester Damen park. What will be accomplished over the next years may be labeled ``Top Sport`` according to Alderman Leon Geilen; playing sports and building a new Sportpark Glanerbrook at the same time.

Loes Thijssen lectures in AHO - Arkitektur og Designhøgskolen Oslo

Loes Thijssen gives a lecture about school transformations in AHO: The Oslo School of Architecture and Design on Monday February 6 at 11 AM.

ARCHdaily Building of the year nomination

Very exciting to share that Amare Home of the Performance Arts is nominated for the ARCHdaily award Building of the year 2023! Do you also like it? Please VOTE before Februari 15 2023!

Exhibition Flitting Through Amare

Visit the exhibition Rooting Amare and Flitting Through Amare by NOAHH, and explore this cultural multiverse. The exhibition is as a transparent super maquette of Amare. Through models, drawings, photos, videos and objects, this exhibition highlights the mayor themes that play an important role in the design. Festive opening: December 15, 16.00 hrs in Amare.

Bergen architectuur

Our villa is one of the published houses in ‘Bergen architectuur, de Amsterdamse school voorbij’. The book published by Lecturis is written by Marcel Teunissen and Jetty and Maarten Min. On this cover you can see the villa Buerweg 25 designed by Patrick Fransen in 2006.

A time journey through Theater aan de Parade

07-11-2022 | A time journey with architect Patrick Fransen The auditorium at PERRON-3 in Rosmalen was almost completely filled during the special evening of friends on 7 November 2022. On the programme during this friends' meeting: a presentation by Patrick Fransen, chief-architect of NOAHH | Network Oriented Architects; ``I'm not just going to show you pictures of the new theatre. Instead, I am going to tell you something about what you will soon not be able to see.``

Loes Thijssen nominated for ARC22 Young Talent Award!

12-10-2022 | Loes Thijssen is nominated for the ARC22 Young Talent Award! NOAHH is unquestionably proud: Loes is young, talented and has a strong vision on adaptive and future-proof architecture. The award ceremony will take place on Wednesday, November 2 in the NOAHH-designed hall of the NDT in Amare.

Back to the Future - Lecture at the University of Hertfordshire

18-10-2022 | Patrick Fransen and Loes Thijssen will lecture about transforming and 'retrofitting' existing educational buildings. Tuesday Oct 18 - 10.30 am (CET). The online lecture is open to everyone.

Construction Sportcentrum De Gelenberg in Druten officially started!

15-09-2022 | This new sports centre aims to stimulate social interaction through sports and give a new heartbeat to the village. It will connect the various sports clubs close to the campus and the surrounding landscape. We celebrated this official moment with Gemeente Druten and Van der Horst aannemers.

ILS Innovative Learning Spaces 2022

28-08-2022 |This years ILS Innovative Learning Spaces with the topic 'Schools to be Lived will be held in Pula | Sardinia. The summerschool is initiated by Massimo Faiferri. A group of international architects and teachers amongst Loes Thijssen and Patrick Fransen from NOAHH will attend the summerschool. We invite students to participate!

Opening City Sport Veldhoven

19-07-2022 | Last Friday, new swimming pool City Sport Veldhoven was officially opened. After the demolition of the old pool, the new building – already in use since January - is now also connected to the existing sports hall. We hope that all the different ways of use in combination with the sports hall and the cafe will invite many residents to visit and experience City Sport Veldhoven.

Start Final Design Sportpark Glanerbrook

08-07-2022 | The Glanerbrook Sports Park in Geleen will be substantially transformed and expanded in the coming years. On the 1st of July 2022, NOAHH and landscape architects Buro Poelmans Reesink started with the Final Design. This month an information center opened at the site in the Burgemeester Damenpark where the history and future plans can now be seen by everyone.

Masterclass Acoustic comfort

01-07-2022 | Move through a world of cultural dimensions and sound barriers with Patrick Fransen. Amare is like a multiverse where different worlds and identities come together. As architect of Amare, Patrick is happy to share his expertise. Sounds like more? Get inspired during Merford Academy's Masterclass 'Acoustic comfort in buildings' - Thu July 7th, 3 pm -6 pm.

AMARE featured in Architecture in NL Yearbook 2021|2022

06-06-2022 | AMARE is featured in Architecture in The Netherlands 2021|2022 - the 35th edition of the yearbook presenting the most remarkable and leading buildings in NL. This year’s theme: Time to talk! Can the architect still make a difference? According to the editors this yearbook proves that this is possible: 'The architect must use the power of design to accommodate the multitude of insights and convert this into strong buildings'. We’re on it!


24-05-2022 | If you haven't seen Amare yet....watch this special video-interview by Architectenweb, in which NOAHH's Patrick Fransen elaborates on the design of Amare The Hague and it's impressive theatre halls.


16-05-2022 | The Politecnico di Milano organizes a cultural program full of events related to architecture and transformation. Patrick Fransen and Loes Thijssen will lecture on transformable and future-proof learning landscapes, illustrated by projects such as the award winning CLV Veenendaal, School Campus CSG Reggesteyn and Amare the Hague. The lecture will reflect on new typologies that are more than just a school.

Loes Thijssen member of BNA Members' Council

24-03-2022 |Loes Thijssen has been elected to the Members' Council of the BNA (Royal Institute of Dutch Architects). Loes is committed to strive for the profession of architects and a strong strategic policy of the BNA, together with the 23 other representatives of the BNA offices. Loes Thijssen: ‘We live in turbulent times and I think it is very important to stand strong as architectural industry’.

Every place becomes a destination and every destination can be a stage

08-03-2022 | Building Leisure Buildings is delighted to invite you on Tuesday 8 March to 2030istoday. The theme is 'The Future of Leisure Real Estate'. NOAHH strives to design innovative user-friendly buildings that act as a platform for new typologies: buildings with a 24/7 attitude. Patrick Fransen will share his ideas in an online inspiration session.

Amare lamp-creatures

21-12-2021 | These lamps enlighten the artist foyer in the new Performing Arts Centre Amare - a meeting place for artists from all over the world. NOAHH designed a lighting plan that evokes associations with both flowers and sea animals, referring to the sea and the name ‘Amare'. Daan van Westen, artist designer and NOAHHs model maker created a family of 17 unique lamps, as one of the special elements that adds to the identity of Amare.

Minidocu TV West: Amare, de Geliefde van de Stad

08-12-2021 | This wonderful Mini Documentary about Amare and its users gives you a glimpse of what's happening behind the facades, including rehearsals of the Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) and the Residentie Orkest, an interview with Emily Molnar and a tour by director Jan Zoet.

Lecture Architettura ad Alghero

13-12-2021 | SCHOOLS OF LIFE | Monday December 13, Loes Thijssen and Patrick Fransen will give a lecture about designing innovative learning spaces. About how an educational building can be much more than a school. This year we have all experienced the importance of schools as social spaces and places for personal development. The lecture is part of the program of the Faculty of Architecture in Alghero, Sardinia.

Lecture Academie van Bouwkunst

01-12-2021 | NOAHH's Patrick Fransen will give a lecture at the Academie van Bouwkunst about the brand new cultural building Amare in The Hague. The lecture is part of the C3/55 course: Practice, Methodology and Strategy moderated by Jan-Richard Kikkert.

Office Building Belvédère II completed

30-11-2021 | The Belvédère II Office Building has been completed. Together with her twin sister Belvédère I the two buildings are the figurehead of the Paleiskwartier area in Den Bosch. The two multitenant offices are highly flexible and offer a splendid view over the inner city and the surrounding nature of 'The Gement'

CLV Veenendaal winner of ARC21 interior award

18-11-2021 | The CLV secondary school in Veenendaal is the winner of the ARC21 interior award. According to the jury: NOAHH & Ex Interiors have delivered a design that is ready for the future, but with respect for the past. The lyceum behaves like an urban learning landscape where there is a place for everyone with the monumental staircase and inner courtyard as the beating heart of the school.

Amare Open Festival

19-11-2021 | During the three day Amare Open Festival on November 19-20-21 Amare is ready to meet you. Amare is open on Friday evening, on Saturday on Sunday. You can wander through Amare and flit between exhibitions, installations and performances. Discover Amare as a cultural Multiversum with a variety of expressive indoor buildings and secret alleys. You can also have a look at our great model made by Daan van Westen! We hope to meet you there.

Lecture 'Schools of life'

11-11-2021 | Lecture of Loes Thijssen in the faculty of architecture in the University of Cagliari. The lecture is introduced bij Massimo Faiferri. The lecture reflects to new school typologies designed by NOAHH in which 'everything must be possible'.

Lecture 'the architect's multiversum'

11-11-2021 | Lecture of Patrick Fransen in the faculty of architecture in the University of Cagliari. The lecture is introduced bij Massimo Faiferri. The lecture is about the interpretation of time and space translated to the architecture of Patrick Fransen.

Lecture 'regenerating the existing city'

10-11-2021 | Lecture 'regenerating the existing city' from Patrick Fransen and Loes Thijssen in the PhD program of the Sapienza University in Rome. The lecture is moderated bij Mosè Ricci (curriculum coordinator in doctoral planning) and Carmen Mariano (Presidente CdLM Architecture urban regeneration) and introduced by Laura Ricci and Fabrizio Tucci

Demolition of old Theater aan de Parade completed

01-11-2021 |The demolition of the old Theater aan de Parade has been completed. The carcass of the old main hall still stands proudly and will be reused in the new building. The precise work was carried out by M.Heezen on behalf of Mertens Bouw. (Photo STEAD)

CLV shortlisted for ARC Interior award

14-10-2021 | Twice good news today. The CLV secondary school in Veenendaal will have its festive opening today a year after completion. We designed the interior together with EX Interiors. We are also proud to be shortlisted for the ARC-Interior award with this project. Thanks to an intensive participation with teachers, designers, builders - product-makers and the client the building became a great success. Transformation of the original building became the catalyser for the new. What was once the outside facade now is the interior. A lingering blue stairs binds everything together.

Royal visit to Amare

02-09-2021 | King Willem Alexander and Queen Máxima visited the Amare cultural complex on September 2. During a festive program they visited various rooms including the Conservatory Hall, Amare Studio and Studio NDT. The brand new Amare performing arts building experienced its festive handover from the builders to the municipality, the culture makers and the city.

Amare 'open huis' 4-5 september

02-09-2021 | You can visit Amare on 4 and 5 September to have a sneak preview. Our model is also exhibited there and gives a good insight of how Amare is structured.

NOAHH designs Glanerbrook sports park!

NOAHH selected to design new sports park in Glanerbrook!

08-07-2021 | We are proud to announce that we are selected, along with our partners Deerns, Buro Poelmans Reesink Landschapsarchitectuur and Pieters Bouwtechniek, to design the new sports park in Glanerbrook for our client Gemeente Sittard-Geleen! We look forward to a fruitful participatory process.

NOAHH joins 24H Design Competition @ INDESEM

02-06-2021 | Loes Thijssen joins as guest lecturer at the international design seminar INDESEM for the 24H Design Competition! This year, INDESEM 'Datascapes' explores scenarios for the intersection between data and architecture today and in the future. The 24H Design Competition takes place at the Faculty of Architecture at the Technische Universiteit Delft from Wednesday 2 June 14.00 to Thursday 3 June 14.00.

Dorpshart Zwartewaal, designed by NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture

Presentation design Community Centre Zwartewaal

26-05-2021 | We are excited to finally present our design for the new community centre in Zwartewaal! The new community centre will host a primary school, the community centre, as well as several sports facilities. The multifunctional building will form the beating heart of the community – a place where people can connect and spend quality time together.

Loes Thijssen joins the jury panel of the ARC21 Oeuvre Awards

10-05-2021 | Loes Thijssen, Associate Partner at NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture, has joined the independent jury panel of the ARC21 Oeuvre Awards. The ARC21 Oeuvre Award is awarded annually to a person who has made a lasting and innovative contribution to the improvement of the built environment.

Interview Loes Thijssen in 'De Architect'

23-04-2021 | “Without innovation, architecture comes to a standstill. Architecture should be about taking a stand and (r)evolution”, states Loes Thijssen, Associate Partner at NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture in her interview with Marieke Giele in 'De Architect'.

Transformation monumental farm by NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture

Transformation Monumental Farmhouse in Hoogkarspel featured on Architectenweb

22-03-2021 | The farmhouse was built in 1891 and has been used as a residence since the mid-seventies. Our architectural intervention consists of removing all later additions - structures that did not belong to the original layout of the farm - resulting in the uncovering of the impressive, characteristic square construction of the farmhouse.

Sint Jozef Geel, designed by NOAHH and bildt.

Sint Jozef Geel featured in 'Schooldomein'

09-03-2021 | In our architecture, public space and shared space are synonymous with social space. Sint Jozef Geel is the perfect example of this principle: by elevating the first-floor plane, we created a new high-quality leisure space underneath the building. As a result of our design, a new pedagogical vision was developed and implemented by the school.

Construction 'De Kleine Weelde' completed!

02-02-2021 | The construction of the housing properties ‘De Kleine Weelde’ in Uithoorn has been completed! The innovative and sustainable properties are located in a lush, park-like environment, and are built in clusters around shared courtyards, as NOAHH strongly believes that public space and shared space are synonymous with social space, where people can meet and connect with one another.

CLV Featured in Schooldomein!

Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal featured in Schooldomein

22-01-2021 | Thrilled with the new publication of our Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal in the renowned magazine Schooldomein! The beautiful and innovative schoolbuilding was completed end of November last year.

Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal completed

Construction completed Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal!

16-12-2020 | On the exact location where the Christian Lyceum Veenendaal opened its doors more than fifty years ago, a beautiful, futureproof, and (almost) energy-neutral school has been completed! Reuse, circularity, and identity are central to its regenerative design.

Lecture 'Innovative Learning Spaces' at Fablearn Conference 2020

14-12-2020 | Patrick Fransen and Loes Thijssen will give a lecture on 'Innovative Learning Spaces' at the Fablearn Conference 2020, organised by the Università Politecnica Delle Marche in Ancona, Italy.

NOAHH designs nature-inclusive campus CSG Reggesteyn

NOAHH and Braaksma & Roos Architectenbureau design nature-inclusive campus CSG Reggesteyn

23-11-2020 | We are proud to present our winning design for the school campus of CSG Reggesteyn in Nijverdal! We wanted to design a futureproof, nature-inclusive school campus in harmony with the beautiful surrounding heathland landscape: an inspiring school with a clear focus on outdoor sports and practical learning.

A.ZINE Column 'Dare to dream like Constant' by Loes Thijssen

28-10-2020 | ``I don't design for a specific situation, but always consider how a building will be used in the long term``, writes Loes Thijssen in her regular column in A.ZINE. Thijssen is inspired by Constant Nieuwenhuys, who visualized his ideas about dynamic and idealistic architecture in his magnum opus 'New Babylon'.

Theater aan de Parade, designed by NOAHH

Theater aan de Parade plans approved by City Council after 14 years

07-10-2020 | After 14 years of discussion about the new Theater aan de Parade, the city council of 's-Hertogenbosch has approved the plans that we have developed over the past 2 years. 'A monument for the future, a cultural jewel for the city', according to one of the city councillors.

NOAHH presents competition design for Shenzhen International Performing Arts Centre

28-09-2020 | We are proud to share our design for the International Performing Arts Centre in the new Shenzhen Xiangmihu District! The enriching, flexible, and compact building draws on state-of-the-art technological innovations to create a world-class performing arts centre. The proposed iconic design is a vibrant urban living room, embodying the energy of Shenzhen’s distinct urban environment, as well as a poetic reference to the elegant choreography of the Chinese Flying Asparas dance.

Patrick Fransen featured in Ben Cobra exhibition

13-09-2020 | Exhibition curated by Aziz Bekkaoui, featuring more than 25 colorful, pioneering, outspokenly creative contemporary Cobras - including Patrick Fransen - together with pieces from the Cobra collection and their own work.

Architectentafel @ CBK Zeeland

23-09-2020 | A debate on 'form follows function' in contemporary architecture. Patrick Fransen has been asked to participate to discuss the contemporary use of multifunctional accommodations, such as our MFA Onderdak.

Dag van de Architectuur @ Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal

12-09-2020 | Loes Thijssen will give a presentation and offer insight into the vision on heritage and sustainability that has shaped the Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal's regenerative design.

Green light Aesthetics Committee for design Theater aan de Parade

27-05-2020 | Another major milestone for the new Theater aan de Parade - we got the green light for our final design! The design was praised by the committee as 'monument-worthy'! NOAHH has designed the theater as an extrovert, multifunctional building, cutting-edge in its approach to implementing social space.

Theater aan de Parade, designed by NOAHH

Extensive article De Architect on design Theater aan de Parade

18-05-2020 | Since ancient times, theatres have brought us together and are of great significance to everyday life. We believe that theatres hold an vital social function: they provide meaning and connection in these unsettling times. We aspire to design the Theater aan de Parade as an enriching, timeless cultural hub that will make an meaningful contribution to society.

A.ZINE Column 'Bubble Community' by Loes Thijssen

11-05-2020 | For some time now, we have been trapped in our own isolated lockdown bubbles, and the ever-bustling city that we live in has never been more empty. Loes Thijssen explores the ideas of the radical visionaries of the 60s and 70s. How can these large, utopian, movable infrastructures - these 'bubble communities' - inspire us to seek solutions for designing flexible, adaptive and social buildings?

MFA Onderdak published in ‘Samenwerken aan de School van Morgen’

07-05-2020 | We are excited to announce that our MFA Onderdak will be published in the new book ‘Samenwerken aan de School van Morgen’, as one of the most innovative, adaptive, and future-proof schools built in The Netherlands in the past five years!

Design Villa Oosterwold revealed

16-04-2020 | The villa stands for a new, activity-based, way of living. The typology is based on a lifecycle approach in which the house is designed according to use - living - sleeping - working – accommodation – and care. The design creates the possibility to expand or compress the space according to the user’s wishes.

NOAHH office fully operational during corona crisis

17-03-2020 | NOAHH is committed to meet the challenges of a constantly changing society, now more than ever. We are following the Dutch government’s guidelines on preventing the further spread of COVID-19, and have implemented heightened measures within our office for the safety of our staff and our community, while remaining committed to our clients and network.

Out now! 'Dutch Architecture'

09-03-2020 | We are pleased to announce that the book 'Dutch Architecture' is out in stores now, featuring our MFC Doelum! This book presents a selection of Dutch architects, and extensively features highly esthetic, sustainable, multi-use assignments in densely populated and highly urbanized areas, showcasing great expertise and state-of-the-art architecture.

Column Loes Thijssen 'The Elastic City' in A.ZINE

04-03-2020 | Compelling column by Loes Thijssen in the online magazine A.ZINE on her hero Yona Friedman, and his - still very relevant - visionary ideas on flexible architecture.

Runner-up design Culture Cluster Hoogeveen

21-02-2020 | Proudly presenting our runner-up design for the new culture cluster in Hoogeveen! Our team NOAHH, Civic Architects, and Pieters Bouwtechniek, regard the new culture cluster as a place where all the users can connect with each other in a new context, and take on a new, joint identity. We have designed an inclusive, inspiring venue that residents and users alike can call their own.

EVOLUTIONARIES at the Venice Biennale 2020

18-02-2020 | We're very excited to announce that EVOLUTIONARIES, a research project conducted by NOAHH, will be exhibited at the Venice Biennale 2020! A transformable hyper cube, placed within an infinity room, will create an interactive spatial experience through space and time. The exhibition is organised by the European Cultural Centre in Palazzo Bembo, Venice.

Lecture BAI by Patrick Fransen and Stephanie Lama.

Lecture Patrick Fransen and Stephanie Lama at BAI 's-Hertogenbosch

10-02-2020 | Join us for a lecture on Thursday 13 February by NOAHH's own Patrick Fransen and Stephanie Lama, on the topic of how contemporary architecture can contribute to a city’s public and dynamic character. The importance of contemporary cultural and public buildings will be explored, zooming in on NOAHH’s theaters, while placing them in a larger historical and urban context.

MFC Doelum eligible for ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards

29-01-2020 | NOAHH is thrilled to announce that ArchDaily has just launched the 11th edition of its Building of the Year Awards and MFC Doelum project is eligible for nomination! We need your help, so please click on link below to vote for MFC Doelum!

Lecture Patrick Fransen at Academie van Bouwkunst

06-02-2020 | Patrick Fransen will be giving a lecture at Academie van Bouwkunst Amsterdam on Thursday 6 February, titled 'ASTRONAUT or ARCHITECT'. The lecture is inspired by Fransen's fascination with space exploration and astronomy, which translates to buildings that are designed as 'time machines'.

NOAHH participant of the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture

21-12-2019 | We are excited to announce we are participating in the Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism and Architecture (UABB), currently taking place in Shenzhen, China! Our research work on adaptive, evolutionary architecture – EVOLUTIONARIES – will be presented in the exhibition ‘Future City Matrix’.

'23' by Patrick Fransen, out now!

10-12-2019 | Patrick Fransen's new collection of short stories, '23' has been published, a reflection of Fransen's experience in Le Meignoux, central France, where he has a summer house. A wistful poetic contemplation of a region where time seems to have slowed down, faced with rapid population decline. The book costs €15,-.

Keynote Jo Noero at EVOLUTIONARIES lecture @ Rijnboutt

01-12-2019 | On Wednesday 4 December, NOAHH - in collaboration with Rijnboutt - will organize an event on the topic of EVOLUTIONARIES. During this event, the 24/7 accessibility and programming, as well as the strong relation between public space and context, is investigated. Jo Noero (Noero Architects, based in Cape Town, South Africa), is addressing this topic in a keynote lecture.

Official opening MFC BS Rockanje

25-11-2019 | Grand opening of MFC De Merel and BS De Zeewinde in Rockanje last night! The building is designed as the social heart for the community and accommodates a primary school, a kindergarten, a library, a music school, and various sports and cultural organizations.

Lecture Università degli Studi di Sassari

11-11-2019 | Patrick Fransen and Loes Thijssen gave a lecture at the Università degli Studi di Sassari in Alghero, Italy, on the topic of 'Evolutionaries, elementaries and education' in a lecture series titled 'Landscapes of Knowledge organized by the Faculty of Architecture in Alghero.

NOAHH-V office celebration

08-11-2019 | Last Friday, we celebrated the NETWORK part of NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture at our five-year anniversary party in our new office, and it was truly wonderful! Thank you all for being there - our friends, our partners, our colleagues - we all had a blast, and we hope you did too!

Join our Lectures at the TU/Delft and HNI!

22-10-2019 | NOAHH is organising a lecture series at the TU/Delft and HNI on Thursday 7 November on the topic of our research project EVOLUTIONARIES. Lectures will take place at the Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment from 15.00 until 18.00, and NOAHH will host Thursday Night Live at Het Nieuwe Instituut from 19.30 until 21.30.

NOAHH at Dutch Design Week 2019

22-10-2019 | Loes Thijssen will lead an interactive session at Dutch Design Week on NOAHH's network-based approach and drive to stimulate people to meet and connect. She will focus on our futureproof design for the Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal, and NOAHH's aspirations to design innovative buildings with a 24-7 attitude.

MFC Doelum published on ArchDaily

16-10-2019 | An in-depth article has been published on the prestigious platform ArchDaily on MFC Doelum, designed by NOAHH + studio Nuy van Noort. In a beautiful green area, surrounded by low-rise housing, MFC Doelum is designed as the social heart for the community of Renkum.

Swimming pool Veldhoven designed by NOAHH.

NOAHH selected to design new sustainable swimming pool

09-10-2019 | NOAHH is selected to design a new, sustainable swimming pool in Veldhoven! The swimming pool Den Ekkerman consists of a collection of pavilions, optically separating the pools from the existing sports hall. Through the playful meandering window openings, one can enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the surrounding park. All pools have their own identity, reinforced by the difference in size, scale and color palette.

MFA Onderdak nominated for Architectenweb Award 2019

18-09-2019 | Our MFA Onderdak has been nominated by Architectenweb for the 'Best School of the Year 2019' Architectenweb Awards! MFA Onderdak shelters both a primary school and a community center – but its innovative design means it can be transformed into living spaces to provide accommodation for the town’s aging population in future: a building fit for tomorrow’s world.

NOAHH presents design New Theatre aan de Parade

12-09-2019 | The Munincipality of ’s-Hertogenbosch, together with the Theater aan de Parade and NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture, proudly presented the design for the new theatre: an extrovert, multifunctional building, cutting-edge in its approach to implementing social space and spatial synergy. The new theatre will be a place where theatre lovers and culture enthusiasts will be able to experience a wide variety of performances, musical genres and cultural events: an irresistible cultural hub.

ArchitectuurNL publication: NOAHH designs buildings fit for tomorrow's world

10-09-2019 | The latest edition of ArchitectuurNL features an in-depth interview with Pieter Benschop, senior architect at NOAHH, about our multifunctional accommodations MFA Onderdak and MFC BS Rockanje. NOAHH designs innovative flexible structures that are able to adapt to future developments to fit changing needs: buildings fit for tomorrow’s world.

Architectenweb Interview Patrick Fransen

02-08-2019 | Architectenweb held an compelling in-depth interview with Patrick Fransen on the topic of going offline in the summer holidays and his new collection of short stories, '23'. The article explores Fransen's experience in Le Meignoux, central France, where he has a summer house. The interview is a wistful poetic contemplation of a region where time seems to have slowed down, faced with rapid population decline.

Five year anniversary NOAHH

14-07-2019 | NOAHH was founded in July 2014, and last weekend we celebrated our five year anniversary in Marseille, exploring the dynamics of a city undergoing a huge social transformation. The perfect ending to the perfect trip was visiting La Cité Radieuse by Le Corbusier, and this short film of our team is inspired by the Modular Man - Le Corbusier’s universal system of proportions, devised to reconcile maths, the human form, architecture, and beauty into a single system.

We are moving!

09-07-2019 | We are excited to announce we are moving to a new office! Our new address is Moermanskkade 111, 1013 BC Amsterdam, and our new office will be located on the third floor in the Mediahaven building.

MFA Onderdak published in Schooldomein

02-07-2019 | Schooldomein has published an in-depth article about our MFA Onderdak. Right now, the building shelters both a community center and a small primary school – but its innovative design means it can be transformed into living spaces to provide accommodation for the town’s aging population in future: a building fit for tomorrow’s world.

Dag van de Bouw 2019

15-06-2019 | Last Saturday the International Education and Culture Cluster - the OCC - was open to the public during the Dag van de Bouw 2019. From 2021 onwards the OCC will be the new cultural heart of The Hague, and will provide housing for the Nederlands Dans Theater, Residentie Orkest, Zuiderstrandtheater, the Royal Conservatory and Stichting Dansen Muziekcentrum Den Haag.

NOAHH Lecture Placemaking Week Europe 2019

14-06-2019 | Patrick Fransen and Loes Thijssen gave a workshop on 'Innovating Cultural Hubs' at Placemaking Week Europe, Valencia, in collaboration with TivoliVredenburg, addressing the issue of how placemaking can become a tool to activate cultural buildings in order to shape the future of our cities?

EVOLUTIONARIES lecture in Wuhan, China

16-05-2019 | We are excited to announce that Patrick Fransen and Loes Thijssen are giving an EVOLUTIONARIES workshop in Wuhan, China from 19-23 May, as well as a lecture on 20 May on '24/7 Transformation and Polyvalence' in Big House, Wuhan.

Highest point of construction OCC, The Hague

09-05-2019 | A major milestone for the four future residents of the International Education and Culture Cluster - NDT, Residentie Orkest, Koninklijk Conservatorium, Stichting Dansen Muziekcentrum Den Haag - the highest point of construction has been reached!

MFC Doelum featured in Architecture Yearbook 2019

07-05-2019 | MFC Doelum was one of the forty projects featured in the prestigious Architecture Yearbook 2019. The multifunctional building, designed by NOAHH + studio Nuy van Noort in cooperation Abbie Steinhauser, is the new cultural living room of Renkum.

NOAHH appoints Loes Thijssen as associate partner

12-04-2019 | We are delighted to announce the appointment of the new associate partner Loes Thijssen, in order to accommodate the need for specific expertise in the field of knowledge exchange, and to insure enduring creative quality within the growing practice of NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture.

NOAHH selected to design Theater aan de Parade

15-03-2019 | NOAHH has been chosen to design the Theater aan de Parade in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands. The new theatre will be a place where people will be able to form a connection with one another and will bring together three unique halls, each with its own identity and programming, under one roof.

Interview Loes Thijssen and Bawar Tanay by KUBUS

01-03-2019 | We are fascinated by adaptive and multifunctional architecture. This interview by KUBUS with Loes Thijssen and Bawar Tanay explores a case-study - the Christelijk Lyceum Veenendaal - of how our firm uses new and innovative ways to design and transform sustainable and multifunctional buildings.

Highest point construction Belvédère apartment blocks

27-02-2019 | The highest point of the construction of the apartment block Belvédère in 's-Hertogenbosch was celebrated at the construction site. The complex is located on the southern edge of the Paleiskwartier neighborhood in 's-Hertogenbosch.

Publication 'Vrij Nederland' on TivoliVredenburg: a rebellious beacon

12-02-2019 | Substantive and must-read article interview with NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture founder Patrick Fransen about TivoliVredenburg in the Dutch magazine 'Vrij Nederland' - 'TivoliVredenburg: a rebellious beacon in an increasingly commercial Stationsgebied'.

Grand Opening MFA Biggekerke

08-02-2019 | ‪We were thrilled to be at the opening last Friday of our newly constructed MFA Biggekerke - now with its new name ‘Onderdak’ - the first futureproof and energy-neutral building in Zeeland. The flexible building hosts a community center and a school.

TivoliVredenburg celebrates 5 year anniversary

24-01-2019 | The contemporary music complex TivoliVredenburg is celebrating its 5 year anniversary this weekend. This article in NRC Handelsblad provides for an interesting read on the merger of the legendary squatter's music venue Tivoli and the music centre Vredenburg, which used to on opposite ends of the musical spectrum, but now are united in an iconic music centre with superior acoustics.

Article Omroep Zeeland on future-proof MFC Biggekerke

14-01-2019 | Omroep Zeeland published a comprehensive article on our MFC Biggekerke, the first future-oriented building in Zeeland, which will be taken into use next week. The MFC Biggekerke hosts a community center and a small school. The school is designed so that it can be converted into housing, and is energy neutral.

Review Archined on ARCAM debate Innovative Housing Concepts

11-12-2018 | Urban densification: more is not necessarily better. A review of an evening in ARCAM, Amsterdam, on September 26th, where 7 architects, including NOAHH | network oriented architecture, were invited to explore the architectural consequences of that compelling logic: what spatial models are needed to be able to densify?

NOAHH selected to design transformation-renovation ESA-ESTEC

30-11-2018 | NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture has been selected, in collaboration with DGMR, RAVENKOP, Bremen Bouwadvies and CULD, to design the transformation-renovation of two ESA buildings located in the European Space Research and Technology Center in Noordwijk.

NOAHH wins ARC18 Interior Award for MFC Doelum in Renkum

22-11-2018 | The ARC18 Interior Award has been awarded to Multifunctioneel Centrum Doelum, designed by NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture + Studio Nuy van Noort in cooperation with Abbie Steinhaser. MFC Doelum is the new sports and cultural 'living room' of Renkum with educational facilities.

NOAHH guest speaker at ARCAM debate on Innovative Housing Concepts

26-09-2018 | NOAHH was invited to speak at the ARCAM debate on Innovative Housing Concepts, exploring the architectural consequences of that compelling logic: what spatial models are needed to be able to densify? NOAHH will pitch the study 'Elated Life', examining the possibilities of densification in a groundbreaking way for the location Weenapoint, Rotterdam.

Start of construction exoskeleton of the OCC

31-08-2018 | The first iconic façade columns of the new educational and cultural complex (OCC) at the Spui, The Hague, were installed. In the end, the building will have fifty façade columns distributed over four sides.

NOAHH lectures at ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces 2018

28-08-2018 | Patrick Fransen and Loes Thijssen gave lectures and workshops at ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces, the first interdisciplinary workshop dedicated to learning spaces, focusing on the theme “the city for everyone”. According to the idea that school buildings are not exclusively places for learning, the whole city can be understood as an urban learning platform, a place to incentivize the knowledge process.

MFC Doelum is nominated for the BNA Award Best Building of the Year 2018

18-05-2018 | The Multifunctioneel Centrum (MFC) Doelum, designed by NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture + Studio Nuy van Noort in cooperation with Abbie Steinhaser, has been nominated for the BNA Award Best Building of the Year 2018. MFC Doelum is the new sports and cultural 'living room' of Renkum with educational facilities.

Loes Thijssen gives lecture at Delft University of Technology

19-02-2018 | Loes Thijssen's lecture 'The Real-time City: life in a fully adaptable environment’ addresses the issue of a city on demand. The city-based on services, discovering new technologies, evolutionary city structures, circular production methods, and a new economy.

Patrick Fransen Lectures at Cityscape 2017, Ancona, Italy

29-06-2017 | Patrick Fransen gives a lecture 'From collective space to cityscape centre' in Ancona, Italy, at Cityscape 2017, organized by the Architecture Faculty of the Marche Polytechnic University, Ancona. The lecture shows how tot transit from a traditional school building to a multipurpose community centre.

ArchitectuurNL features NOAHH's new furniture collection ELEMENTARY

30-01-2018 | NOAHH's ELEMENTARY furniture collection is about creativity, experience, flexibility, beauty and simplicity. A design language that translates the educational demands in its essence into a product.

Minister of Education Hilde Crevits opens Sancta Maria Institute

22-11-2017 | Flemish Minister of Education Hilde Crevits opened the newly designed Sancta Maria Institute in Kasterlee, Belgium. The Sancta Maria Institute is one of the four projects that are being developed through the public-private school building program 'Schools of Tomorrow'.

Article Loes Thijssen in Responsive Cities Symposium Publication

14-11-2017 | Loes Thijssen published the article 'Do not own, enjoy! Living without ownership' in the publication of the Symposium Responsive Cities // Active public space, which was held 13-14 November 2017 in Barcelona.

NOAHH lectures at ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces 2017

31-08-2017 | Loes Thijssen and Patrick Fransen gave lectures and workshops at ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces in Alghero, Italy. ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces is the first interdisciplinary workshop dedicated to learning spaces, focussing on polyvalence in architecture.

Loes Thijssen gave workshop at InDeSem '17

27-05-2017 | Loes Thijssen gave the workshop 'Crowded' at InDeSem 2017, addressing the effects of densification of cities: decreasing social cohesion and urban stress. These developments affect us in different scales - from the scale of the person to that of the crowd - and affect our environment from the building to the city. This questions our idea of the city and calls for new visions for our urban landscapes and how we manage our crowds.

Official Opening of 'Brede School' Hillegom

13-04-2017 | The 'Brede School' in Hillegom, designed by NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture, was officially opened. The new school building will consist of an ensemble of old and new, and the characteristic gymnasium will continue to exist and be transformed into a multifunctional hall.

Presentation Loes Thijssen 'Real-time City' to Ministry of Infrastructure

23-03-2017 | Loes Thijssen gave a presentation on her Master's research project 'Real-time City' to the Ministry of Infrastructure. The Real-time City is a place where every citizen can create his own personal architecture in real-time. The city-based on services, discovering new technologies, evolutionary city structures, circular production methods, and a new economy.

Patrick Fransen gives lecture 'Polivalenza Dedicata' at ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces 2016

30-08-2016 | Patrick Fransen gave a lecture at ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces in Alghero, Italy. ILS_Innovative Learning Spaces is the first interdisciplinary workshop dedicated to learning spaces, focussing on polyvalence in architecture.

Publication 'Tailor-made cities' by Loes Thijssen for Ministry of Infrastructure

01-02-2016 | 'Tailor-made cities' explores different perspectives on architecture and urban planning in a changing society towards a custom-made city. Citizens now take over certain city planning responsibilities from the government in order to create a tailor-made city.

NOAHH wins tender new Education and Culture Cluster, The Hague

14-07-2015 | Patrick Fransen (NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture), Jo Coenen (JCAU) and NL Architects, in collaboration with Boele & van Eesteren and Visser & Smit Bouw, have won the tender for the new Education and Culture Cluster (OCC) in The Hague.

TivoliVredenburg wins Rietveldprijs 2015

08-09-2015 | The Board of the Rietveldprijs Foundation announced on Tuesday 8 September that TivoliVredenburg is the winner of the Rietveld architecture award 2015. The Rietveldprijs is awarded to Herman Hertzberger (AHH) and Patrick Fransen (NOAHH | Network Oriented Architecture), in collaboration with JCAU, ATA and NL Architects.

His Majesty the King opens TivoliVredenburg

04-07-2014 | His Majesty the King has officially opened the new music center TivoliVredenburg in Utrecht tonight by sounding the gong. TivoliVredenburg is a unique contemporary music complex and consists of five halls with perfect acoustics and facilities for all kinds of music - ranging from pop, jazz and club nights to symphonic music to chamber music.